Ever Seen a Comet?

Even on cloudy nights there's still things we can start looking for!

The linked article discusses a relatively rare and pleasant surprise, a comet that is predicted to reach naked-eye visibility in the next month.

Read more at Sky & Telescope's page:

New Comet Alert! Quartet of Comets Grace Our Skies - Sky & Telescope

There's a lot happening in the northern sky these days, namely lots of comets! Comet ATLAS (C/2019 Y4) is still worth watching, but look for the new Comet SWAN (C/2020 F8) and Comet ATLAS (C/2019 Y1). And you can still catch a glimpse of our old friend, Comet PanSTARRS (C/2017 T2) .

We'll keep you posted as it brightens and where to look for it as it gets closer.

What exactly is a comet and how do they move? Check back tomorrow at 5 pm for more info on these special objects.

Stay well, and clear skies!

Aric VyhmeisterComment