Moon, Mars and More

Weather permitting, this next week offers a great viewing opportunity to see Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn visible in the evening, and Venus rising an hour before the sunrise. Not to mention some new comets!

Read Sky & Telescope’s “Sky At A Glance” for more details:

This Week's Sky at a Glance, October 23 - 31 - Sky & Telescope

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23 ■ First-quarter Moon, exact at 9:23 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time. By evening, about half a day later for North America, the Moon's terminator will be just a bit convex. The Moon will shine in dim Capricornus - left of Jupiter and Saturn at dusk, and upper left of them as the evening grows late.

You can find the position of the planets, constellations, and even satellites like the International Space Station and Hubble Space Telescope by using the free program Stellarium:

Don’t forget to view Mars in the eastern sky after twilight, having just passed opposition it will remain prominent for the coming weeks and visible the rest of the year.

Join us Wednesday Oct. 21 @ 6:00 PM for our free program: “Fall Constellations.” Email to sign up!

Check back each weekday @ 5:00 pm for more observing guides and science news!

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Stay well, and clear skies!

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