Spring Constellations
The late-Winter/early-Spring sky as seen 8 PM local time from Denver, CO
As we dig out of the blizzard this weekend, it might not feel like it but Spring is just around the corner! And with Spring comes a rich assortment of deep-sky objects - galaxies, nebulae, star clusters - many of which require nothing more than a pair of binoculars to appreciate. The first step to locating many of these amazing targets is getting familiar with the basic constellations to use a reference in locating fainter objects.
Here’s a great guide for identifying some prominent Springtime constellations using a method known as ‘star-hopping,’ recognizing constellations by their distinct patterns and general area in the sky without using more complicated coordinate systems or instruments.
Join Standley Lake Stargazing for “Springtime Astronomy” Wed. Mar. 17 @ 6:00 PM for a tour of the Spring sky, from constellations to distant galaxies and lots in between! Email register@standleylakestargazing.com to sign up!
Stay well, and clear skies!