Thanks for a great year!

As we wrap up 2020, we want to send a special thanks to our supporters on Patreon, your support is greatly appreciated and helps make this possible!

Margot Crowe

Kirk Dameron

Kyallee Dalrymple-Kientz

Kate Watt

Diane Shamis

Doreen Fitzpatrick

Clark Moore

Allison Field

While this year has been difficult in different ways for everyone, if you find our cause worth supporting and would like to contribute you can become a Patreon supporter here:

If you’d like to read more about our work, here’s a recent article from VoyageDenver:

So many great astronomical events happened in 2020, including comet NEOWISE, the Great ‘Christmas Star’ Conjunction, incredible Perseids and Geminids meteor shower displays and the Mars opposition. Here’s a recap of the year’s highlights from Sky & Telescope:

Much more to come in 2021, and we look forward to hosting in-person telescope viewing as soon as we can (safely)! Don’t forget to check out upcoming programs which will resume next week.

Here’s to a new year, best wishes to everyone on this next lap around the sun!

As always-

Stay well, and clear skies!

Aric VyhmeisterComment