The Beehive Cluster
Looking South 10 PM from Denver, Mid-January
One of Winter’s seasonal highlights is the multitude of bright and rich star clusters. Star clusters come in two varieties: open and globular. Open clusters are somewhat loose groupings of stars that appear to be concentrated relative to the surrounding region of stars, and may be gravitationally involved with each other while others merely appear as a grouping because of perspective. One of the finest open clusters is The Beehive, which stands out as a favorite of beginner and seasoned astronomers alike.
Located in Cancer (The Crab), this open cluster is set against a backdrop of relatively low star density which heightens the contrast of this already brilliant cluster. Furthermore the Beehive is large, spanning a width greater than twice the disk of the full Moon. Many of the stars are also revealed as double stars with higher magnification, though this cluster is best viewed with binoculars or low-power eyepieces through a telescope. The Beehive is even visible to the naked eye from a reasonably dark site.
The Beehive also has cultural and historical significance, as it has appeared in records going back to antiquity and was even described by Galileo himself as he turned his telescope to the skies.
You can learn more about the Beehive here:
Be sure to join us for our program “Winter Sky Highlights” on Wednesday, January 20 @ 6:00 PM as we explore some interesting celestial objects visible right from your backyard this winter. Email to sign up! Special guest physicist Ron Havermann will join the discussion of this fascinating platform.
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