This Week in Spaceflight

Scott Manley hosts a highly informative YouTube channel which covers all things space related, often diving deep into rocket science but aimed at general audiences. Here he breaks down some of the week’s biggest space news, including the discovery of more water on the Moon, the asteroid sample from the OSIRIS-REx mission, and much more!

Check out his most recent video here and be sure to follow his channel for more spaceflight topics:

Don’t forget to view Mars in the eastern sky after twilight, having just passed opposition it will remain prominent for the coming weeks and visible the rest of the year.

Join us Wednesday Nov. 4 @ 6:00 PM for our free program: “First Night Out” Email to sign up!

Check back each weekday @ 5:00 pm for more observing guides and science news!

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Stay well, and clear skies!

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