Best Beginner's Book: 'Nightwatch'

With so many different star charts and field guides, how do you know which one is right for you? Perhaps the best introductory book ever written for aspiring stargazers is ‘Nightwatch’ by Terence Dickinson.

Nightwatch is a comprehensive beginner’s guide that covers everything you need to know to get started, covering the basics of celestial navigation and equipment selection and includes detailed star charts and updated tables of planetary events, all written in a very approachable manner that empowers readers to develop their new skills.

Standley Lake Stargazing recommends supporting local businesses, and there’s none better than Mile High Astronomy in Lakewood. Be sure to check out their site for more books and scopes!

Want to connect with a local community of beginning stargazers? Check out the Standley Lake Stargazing Community Group on Facebook! While there are plenty of groups you can join full of experienced amateur astronomers, our group is aimed specifically at local space enthusiasts looking to get started and who often share common questions. 

Stay well, and clear skies!

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