Star-hopping the Winter Sky

Fall Constellations.png

Star-hopping is a means of navigating the night sky by recognizing constellations and other patterns as landmarks without relying on coordinates or equipment. This method is one of the best ways to get familiar with the night sky, and you probably already know more than you think you do!

Here’s a great guide for locating easy-to-find constellations in the Winter sky by star-hopping alone:

Want to connect with a local community of beginning stargazers? Check out the Standley Lake Stargazing Community Group on Facebook! While there are plenty of groups you can join full of experienced amateur astronomers, our group is aimed specifically at local space enthusiasts looking to get started and who often share common questions. Visit to join.

Join us for “Science & Cinema: Netflix’s ‘Away’” Wed. 2/10 @ 6:00 PM as we break down the science behind the sci-fi in this series about a manned mission to Mars. Email to sign up!

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Looking for a new telescope? The experts at Mile High Astronomy in Lakewood would love to help you out, visit them at and

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Stay well, and clear skies!

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