Mars Reaches Best Opposition Until 2035

Mars reaches the closest opposition - the point in its orbit in which the Sun-Earth-Mars system forms a straight line - until 2035 tomorrow. For the entire month of October, Mars will be spectacular in the eastern sky after sunset.

View Mars throughout October in the eastern sky after sunset.

Telescopic views during this period will be excellent, as the larger disc of the planet offers more detail to resolve features such as the polar ice caps and mountain ranges at mid-latitudes.

Even without a telescope, you can appreciate the rusty brilliance Mars casts over its corner of the sky, and by midnight Mars is high overhead where its color is even more apparent.

Behold Mars! The Best View Until 2035 - Sky & Telescope

Cosmic cycles have conspired to provide a series of seasonal spectacles during 2020 - spring's Venus apparition, Comet NEOWISE this summer, the reliable eyes of Jupiter and Saturn on summer and fall nights - and now the best Mars apparition until September 2035.

Join us Wednesday Oct. 14 @ 6:00 PM for our free program: “Maps & Myths,” where we’ll explore how ancient history is celebrated in the sky. Email to sign up!

Check back each weekday @ 5:00 pm for more observing guides and science news!

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Stay well, and clear skies!

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