Moon Framed Inside Gemini Tonight
Tonight the Moon is framed perfectly inside of the constellation Gemini. For those of you who successfully identified it last week, now is a great time to practice identifying it again with the Moon serving as an obvious marker.
The twin stars Castor and Pollux are on the upper right hand side, and the Moon is nestled in between their stick figure outlines.
Moon nestled inside the twins Pollux and Castor
To find it, go out around 8:30 pm and look due West and search above the horizon for the crescent Moon and see if you can identify the constellation surrounding it.
Looking West from Denver around 8:30 pm April 28, 2020
When the Moon is in this phase it’s also easy to spot the phenomenon of ‘earthshine’ in which the light reflecting off the Earth’s oceans and atmosphere lights up the disc of the Moon outside the crescent.
Check back each weekday @ 5:00 pm for more observing guides and science news!
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Stay well, and clear skies!